Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 22nd-26th: Ducks

This week your child will be learning about ducks and ducklings.

Songs and Fingerplays: "Six Little Ducks," "Down at the Pond," "The Little White Duck," Duck Math Rhyme

Activities: Duck Hats, Feathers and Ducks, Duck Stamp, Duck Puppets

Literature: The Story About Ping, Fluffy and Baron, Petunia, 10 Little Rubber Ducks, Make Way for Ducklings, Have You Seen My Duckling?, The Ugly Duckling

Large Motor: Ducky Race, Walk Like a Duck

Science: Observe our new ducks in action--Duck, Bill, and Quack!!!

Better Late Than Never

Fun in the snow on February 11th and 12th. Oddly enough, it is snowing again outside right now...and we are in MARCH!!